Consultants for Indian Progress


Consultants for Indian progress (CIP) was incorporated as a 501c3 in 1976
Our goal was to establish a non-profit that would be used to empower and support the Native American and Alaskan Indian First Nations People.

Consultants for Indian progress (CIP) is committed to the preservation of Indigenous cultural knowledge, Oral traditions and Spiritual values.

Our goal is to use Culture to develop Heart to Heart connections between Youth and Family, While building strong Communication through Storytelling and Consultation, Building Community ties as we heal from the Inter-generational Historical Trauma and PTSD brought on through colonization and modern micro-agressions that continue today.

We record and preserve oral histories , Spiritual teachings and cultural traditions of The People, Indigenous leaders, Elders, Storytellers, Healers and song carriers from the Indigenous Nations of North America.

We share these teachings using Multimedia with Inter-generational, Multicultural audiences as well as public audiences of all cultures in collaboration with diverse cultural organizations and educational institutions using culturally – competent multimedia presentations that Invite-Inspire and Educate.